Burden and quality of life of caregivers of individuals with chronic brain vascular accident
Caregivers, Stroke, Quality of LifeAbstract
Objective: Analyze burden and quality of life perceived by caregivers correlating them with the degree of disability of individuals with chronic stroke and their impairment in activities of daily living. Methods: Cross-sectional analyticalstudy, developedat CR-IMIP(Recife- PE). Thirty-eightinformalprimarycaregiverswereanalyzedforburden and quality of life after assessing their patients for functionality ordisability. Patientsafterchronicstroke (timeofinjury≥6months). The following instruments were used: ICF - classification of patient functionality or disability; QASCI - informal caregiver burden assessment, and WHOQOL-bref - quality of life assessment. Statistical analyzes with p <0.05 (SPSS). Results: Were analyzed 38 informal primary caregivers, where most caregivers reported 'intense overload' (average 102.92). Higher percentages related to quality of life are between'need to improve' and'regular'. Therewasa significant positive correlation, expressingadirectrelationshipbetweencaregiverburdenanditem'bodyfunction'. Conclusion:Caregiversofstrokevictims whohavedisabilitiesreportworkoverloadandinterferencewiththeirqualityoflife.
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