Unconventional food plants as functional food: literature review
Introduction: Unconventional food plants (PANC) stand out as plants that have one or more edible parts,
whether spontaneous or cultivated, native or exotic that are not included in our daily menu. Aim: This work aims to
approach unconventional food plants as a functional food for the population, in order to promote the dissemination of
knowledge of these species in food culture and the encouragement of their consumption. Methods: Data from 30 recent
articles in portuguese and english from health databases (Scielo and Pubmed) and books were summarized. Comments:
The studied UFP have shown to act in the most diverse metabolic processes such as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial,
cecatrization, antineoplastic and antiscorbutic activities. In addition, significant concentrations of calcium, iron, zinc,
potassium and magnesium were found in their compositions. Allied to this is the high protein and fiber content, serving to
aid gastrointestinal processes. Conclusion: Unconventional food plants are still poorly known by the Brazilian
population. Its composition and nutritional values are already well known, as well as the safety of its use in daily diet.
Besides having a pleasant taste, they have high concentrations of fiber, vitamins and minerals which are needed to mantain
the body homeostasis.
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