Prevention and monitoring of arterial hypertension in a Primary Health Care Unit at Francisco Marcelo Dias, in Paulista-PE
Primary Health Care, Health Education, HypertensionAbstract
Introduction: In primary health care (PHC), the Ministry of Health recommends that patients who have uncontrolled blood pressure, but who are complying with the recommended treatments, should undergo monthly medical consultation for reassessment, until they reach the established pressure target. Based on this, an educational project took place in a community with 8000 users, where there is a high prevalence of hypertension among the population, associated with a lack of information, low socioeconomic status and lack of adherence to consultations and HiperDiA-which is a Brazilian protocol to deal with high blood pressure at the (PHC). Based on this scenario, actions were taken to raise awareness and prevent the complications of hypertension and to reduce the number of new cases in the area. Objective: To improve adherence to treatment and follow-up of hypertensive patients registered at the USF Francisco Marcelo Dias, in Paulista-PE-Brazil. Methods: This a descriptive study of the application project report type. The problematization methodology, based on the Maguerez arch theory, was used to identify the problems of the area, theorization, creation of solution hypotheses and an action plan. RESULT: The actions valued prevention and awareness for a better quality of life, thus preventing both the development of hypertension and the evolution of the disease. For this, the activities performed at the USF were blood pressure measurement and conversation circles about the importance of healthy eating and the continuous use of medications. These actions had a good impact in the way that the number of patients in the consultations and the number of treatment adherents increased, and through encouraging changes in lifestyle, it is expected that in the long term there will be a decrease in the number of new hypertensive patients in the area. Conclusion: tThe promotion of adequate health for hypertensive patients in the community, as well as the intervention for the prevention and treatment of arterial hypertension, had important clinical implications, since it was able to increase adherence to treatment and change in lifestyle, preventing future patients hypertensive patients and improving the quality of life of hypertensive patients already diagnosed in the area.
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