Toxicological screening of extracts from Pimenta pseudocaryophyllum (Gomes) L.R. Landrum on Artemia salina Leach
Medicinal plant. Vegetal extract. Toxicity.Abstract
Objective: to verify and to compare the acute toxicity of the leaves (Ppf) and stalk (PPc) extracts from Pimenta pseudocaryophyllum on brine shrimp Artemia salina. Methods: Ppf and Ppc extracts (1, 10, 100 nd 1000 μg/mL) were evaluate the assay acute toxicity on Artemia salina, incubed at 24 and 48 hours, performed at triplicate. The nauplii dead number were determined and LC50 was calculated by non-linear regression. Results: Ppc extract presents toxicity only at 48hs (LC50 = 140.2 ± 76.7 μg/mL), regarded as moderate toxicity. Ppf was toxic both at 24hs (LC50 = 372.0 ± 58.1 μg/mL) and 48hs (LC50 = 0.8 ± 0.1 μg/mL), regarded as moderate and high toxicity, respectivelly. Conclusion: leaf and stalk from P. pseudocaryophyllum presents active metabolites that induced toxicity Artemia salina, probably, are different substances or most concentrated on leaves.
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